Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Musing at Such Great Heights

I got drunk last night. I went out with some girls that I work with, said that I would not get trashed, and then promptly proceeded to. We shared our horror stories, and laughed over the stupid things we've pulled recently. We skinned our elbows on icky bar tables, and sang bad songs really loudly.

What is it about alcohol that makes us want to pour our hearts and souls out onto some beer soaked table? We talk about things that are normally kept quiet, we allow ourselves to examine thoughts that are normally kept buried. We finally are able to confess things to ourselves that we would never, ever dream of during "normal" hours. And then in the morning we hate ourselves for thinking, feeling, saying the things that we did. Why not just own up to being a human, with all the thoughts, desires, drama and pain that comes with it? Why does it seem to take the influence of some substance or other to make us fully human, even as it is making us slightly less so?

Maybe when I'm thinking straight I'll have all the answers. Stay tuned. I may decide to share them.

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