Thursday, April 1, 2010

I have a new room and I love it so much!

Yay!! I finally moved out of the basement room, and into the back room. Upstairs. That has 
windows. Two windows! I feel much better in this room. 

From just inside the door...I have lots of wall to paint on. 

The other side of the window. I have even more art space!

Loft! Under the loft there are two desks covered in piles of....of.....god, I don't even know. Stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. Someday, I will bring order to the chaos and then I will have a space for jewelry and a space for sewing. Or so I keep saying.

From the loft. Yes, that is paint all over the hardwood floor. It was there when I ripped up the carpet. It makes me feel less bad about making a mess. 

       The view from where I am sitting. :)  That dog is Panda, our new wolf dog. She loves mirrors.
                ...and couches.

Art in Progress

Before Medusa was a Greek girl who offended the goddess Athena, she was the third aspect of the Libyan goddess Athene (also called Neith, Metis, Anath or Ath-enna). Medusa was regarded as the seat of (female) wisdom. She is spiritual kin to Kali: both a life giver and death bringer. She is the storm, the calm, the destruction and the redemption.In Africa her face was said the be shrouded, because to view it was to gain the knowledge of your own death. And she has much bigger problems than snakes in her hair...
This started off as an exercise in how to make two different faces into one. I'm sure that I'll finish it soon...

 This painting has been consuming a lot of my time lately...

This painting is an experiment in "stream of consciousness" painting. I've only just started to go back in and develop the image. It was interesting to see how even when I disengaged and stopped paying attention to what forms I was painting with what colors, I still came up with a working sketch.