Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Random Sampling

I have to walk around Lake Merritt to get to school, which is a wonderful way to wake up. See the tallest building all the way in the back? That's my school.

Our pepper plant, that really needs to be put in the ground. Poor thing.

I have a tendancy to make small shrines in unused spaces.


This is our bear, Iley. Seriously though, she's huge.

People in Oakland are still tense over Oscar Grant. There are signs up everywhere, Oscar themed art shows, etc.

This is where I get surprisingly good coffee before I go to class.


Our tomato plant also needs to be put down in the garden.

Is this not the coolest cathedral ever?

Just, ya know, practicing swordsmanship in the park.

All the rest are from the zoo. :)

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