Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The House on Oakland Ave

So I finally took pictures of my house...

Back Porch

We call this our back yard. One day it will be more than a patch of dirt. We swear.


Livingroom Windowsill

We have a fireplace, and beanbag chairs!
Our narrow little kitchen.

I LOVE the back porch.
No, I never make my bed.

Tibetan Prayer Flags!
Our living room finally has furniture!
...and a piano!

As we continue to fix up the house I'll post more pictures. We're planning on fixing up the yard and growing vegetables in it. We're hanging up photos and art in the common areas, and one of these days we might even paint!


Anonymous said...

looks cozy. you'll hear from me soon on the internet, more.<3

Boomer said...

Hey, it's cute. I was worried you were living in a dump but it looks nice. You need to work on that backyard....